Sunday 10 January 2021: Trauma Summit

I attended the Trauma Research Foundation (TRF) Social Justice Summit over the weekend. I found it quite interesting and would like to delve deeper into Trauma Studies:

People around the world have been dealing with overwhelming challenges that are hardly imaginable. Yet, we human beings are incredibly resilient and survive by forming connections and collaborations for mutual support to create novel solutions. This summit presented programs from Kenya, Zimbabwe, Jordan/Syria, Rwanda, China, the United States, dealing with US veterans, using narrative and embodied modalities to help individuals & communities who had overwhelming traumatizing experiences. These approaches, created under extreme conditions with very limited resources can be highly relevant to individuals in all communities whose treatment is largely determined by prevailing medical or academic paradigms that may have limited applicability for many of the populations we service.—

I don’t think we know just how pervasive trauma is and how many of us are ignorant of our own traumatic experiences. I’ve certainly had a fair share, being as sensitive as I am, which led me, albeit unconsciously, to seek ways to come to terms with these lived experiences.


Realising it’s not my fault


Wednesday 6 January 2021